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hahahahaha..i like i likei likei likei likei likei likei likei likei like

Betul-betul tersentuh dan terdetik rasa sayu dan syahdu didalam hati bila mendengar alunan azan ini yg didendangkan didalam gareja. Semua paderi dan penganut Kristian diam, tunduk hormat serta menghayati alunan azan yang di sampaikan. Indahnya Islam. Takbir !!!

p/s :Azan ini di Gereja Marble Collegiate yang terletak di 275, Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, USA semasa program dialog kepercayaan agama antara Kristian, orang-orang Yahudi dan umat Islam yang hidup di sana.

Seorang gadis berumur 18 tahun (2011) dari etnik Cina di Malaysia berkongsi pengalaman berkenaan dorongan-dorongan yang membawa beliau memeluk agama Islam dan cita-cita untuk berdakwah kepada remaja-remaja sebaya dengan cara yang sesuai dengan mereka.

Chinese Kid was hit by a car. Driver recognise that the kid was insured, but decided to continue his way and hit the kid again with his back wheel.
18 people pass the kid and do not care what happen. A further car is coming on the road and hit the kid once more.
After 10 minutes someone carry the kid out of the road and the mother of it is coming.
This happend in a busy street in Guangzhou Foshan (see the small shop around there. Shop owner and passing people did not care at all)
The father who talks explains what the driver of the car told him. All he asked was his bank account and how much compensation he want.

Incredible how heartless people can be here in China.



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